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The Right Book Press is the publishing imprint of The Right Book Company. Working alongside our expert authors we bring world-class business and personal development books to local and international markets to inspire success in business and life. 


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Lead with Confidence

Essential skills and strategies to succeed as a female leader

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Common Good Capitalism

A new economic model for growth to benefit business and society

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Cultivating Coachability

How to leverage coaching readiness so thinkers can optimise value

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Heal Your Gut, Heal Your Mind

The 3-step approach to physical and emotional wellbeing

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The Cloud Native Attitude

How the world’s best companies use the cloud to speed up, scale up and find product market fit

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The Authority Guide to Emotional Resilience

Strategies to manage stress and weather storms in the workplace

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Focus On Why

Create a purposeful 

way of life

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The Better Human Blueprint

Self-development strategies for personal growth, success and finding fulfilment

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Can I Offer You Something?

Expert ways to overcome the horrors of organisational feedback

Coming Soon

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The Shape of Taste

Unravelling the emotional journey behind every mouthful and how it impacts your consumers

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Mastering The Art of Team Coaching [Second Edition]

An emergent approach to unleashing the potential in teams

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Graceful Leadership

Inspiring hope, creativity and resilience in times of peace and crisis

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From Crime Scenes to Cruise Ships

Navigating life's troubled waters with resilience and hope

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The Firkin Saga

Brewing up entrepreneurial adventures and pioneering tales with the Prince of Ales

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Featured titles

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Coaching the Crosswind

Practical answers to the questions coaches ask


The Levelheaded Investor

Your expert guide to lifelong money mastery and financial security

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Let's Talk About Money

The no-nonsense guide to managing and maximising your financial independence

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Think Like a Coach

Empower your team through everyday conversations

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In Your Own Words

Unlock the power of your life stories to influence, inspire and build trust

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The Startup Lexicon 

Demystifying the everyday language of startups

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Rest. Practise. Perform.

What elite sport can teach leaders about sustainable wellbeing and performance


The Performance Advantage

12 success principles every leader needs to know but executive courses don't teach

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I Don't Talk to Dead Bodies

The curious encounters of a 

forensic psychiatrist


From Fatigue to Freedom

An inspiring journey to better energy and brighter days

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Brave New Leader

How to transform workplace pressure into sustainable performance and growth


The Transformational Coach

Free your thinking and break through to coaching mastery


In the Meantime

Lessons and learning from

a career in beer

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The Trauma-Informed Coach

Strategies to support clients when their past prevents progress

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Get There, Love Here!

The busy professional's guide to authentic, enjoyable success

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